솔 목욕의 적절한 사용은 혈액 순환을 촉진 할 수 있습니다


Natural Wooden Bath Brush

그만큼브러쉬 목욕둥근 머리 강모브러시 with a handle, which follows the body's meridian and 브러시es the various parts of the body's skin to achieve the purpose of fitness.

1. Brush the back Starting from the neck, 브러시 along the spine to the waist longitudinally, 브러시 15 times, and apply more weight. Then 브러시 the left back of the spine, and then the right back, until the entire back is 브러시ed (same method as before).
2. Brush the chest and abdomen from the lower abdomen, 브러시 up to the neck along the midline of the front of the human body, 브러시 15 times, apply lighter pressure, then 브러시 the left side of the abdomen, then 브러시 the right side, until the entire chest and abdomen are 브러시ed, the same method before.
3. Brush the upper extremities starting from under the left ear, 브러시ing to the arm along the left side of the neck and the outside of the left arm (extending the side), 35 times of 브러시ing, and applying a heavier weight; then starting from the left palm along the inner side of the arm (flexing the side) To the armpit, 브러시 15 times, using lighter force. Brush the right arm as before.
4. Brush the lower extremities from the outside of the left thigh to the heel, along the outside of the big and small legs to the instep, 브러시 15 times, apply more weight, and then 브러시허벅지와 송아지의 전체면; 그런 다음 왼쪽 발부터 ​​큰 부위를 따라 시작하고, 다리 아래쪽을 허벅지의 뿌리로 다시 닦습니다. 더 가벼운 압력으로 15 번 솔질 한 후브러시 the entire inner and lower sides of the entire leg in sequence. Brush the right leg as before. In addition, on fat buttocks, thigh roots, etc., you can 브러시 hard 50 to 100 times.
이 방법에는 자오선과 혈액 순환 기능이 있습니다. 몸의 지방 대사가 점점 더 정상화되어 체중 감량의 목적을 달성하도록 신체가 스스로 조절하도록 촉진합니다.
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